Tuesday, July 06, 2004

remember, this is only a test

Happy belated 4th of July everyone! I spent our nation's birthday studying for my very first orgo test, which I took this morning. How sad. And how easily I embraced the neuroses which go into test-taking. Some precautions included:

1) Abstaining from anything fun, because everyone knows if you have the slightest bit of fun before a test, you will fail and the world will end.

2) Obsessively-compulsively making sure I don't oversleep. This included setting the regular alarm, the alarm on my cell phone, and asking my parents to call me in the morning and MAKE SURE I'M UP. Which they did. While I was in the shower. My mom left three messages between 7:00 and 7:04 AM. They got progressively funnier. On the last message she started to get snippy: "You asked me to wake you up, and now you're not answering the phone. Why do you stress me out like this? I don't know what to do with you anymore."

But don't worry folks, everything went smoothly, as in I got up in time. The test was OK. Harder than the practice exams, as you'd expect, but nothing that made me think "Um, did I walk into the wrong exam?"

The test lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes. The whole exam took about 40 minutes, but I could never leave an exam before the time was up. I spent a good chunk of time on that one question that I kind of knew how to do, but not really. And then I checked. And I secretly got really mad at the kids who finished early, handed in their exams and walked out, sporting the "you're STILL working on this?" look. Maybe not so secretly, because I flicked one off. Just kidding ... but still, that would've felt good.

Exams make you hungry. Was this always the case or is it something new I've discovered in my old age? Damn I'm starving. I'm not on any sort of meal plan, so getting a donut from the dining hall is out of the question (and for those of you actually reading this blog, are you starting to see my obsession with donuts?) And I can't cook for the life of me.

Aha. Finagle. Chocolate Chip bagel. Mmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i got used to talking to you on email everyday, so this is nice...you make me laugh. i could just hear mom's voice on the machine...hehehe

seems to be the year for lives getting turned upside down...you have probably already heard that I am doing exactly what i told you not to do last year...yup - going to afghanistan. well, we are still trying to work out bureaucratic contractual details and it may end up not working out...keep your fingers crossed (that it works - not that it doesn't!!)

p.s. stop eating donuts and learn how to cook!