Thursday, July 01, 2004

acids and bases and models, oh my!

Hello there. So, to be honest, nothing interesting has been going on with me for the past few days. Classes and library time dominate my life. Along with the occasional distraction of building a chemical compound (or a very deformed dog) out of my molecular model set.

Today in section a guy dropped his model set. The pieces went flying everywhere - pure comic relief. I couldn't stop laughing; seriously, this summer is unfolding like one long sitcom.

The girl who was sharing the apartment was asked to leave. So now I'm all alone. I'm hopping on the first bus that will take me to NY tomorrow after I finish class. Everytime I leave New York I realize how much I love it there. The idea of just doing a summer here and returning to NY for the year to take classes seems more attractive every day. I did some research, but it seems like ye old Harvard still has the best curriculum. Hmph. I miss my doorman. And they just built a Dunkin Donuts / Baskin Robbins combo in my apartment building. IN THE BUILDING! While it's probably best that I left before developing a serious addiction, the fact that I would be mere steps from an endless supply of chocolate frosted donuts, coolatas and Puss-in-Boots ice cream (try it - a new flavor. malt balls in the ice cream! genius i tell ya...) would be so great.

That's all. Anything interesting going on with the folks reading this? Call me or write a comment. I'm easily amused.

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