Wednesday, July 28, 2004

magna charta

The good news is I found out that I passed level I of the C.F.A. exam (Chartered Financial Analyst).  Woo-hoo, I'm chartered!   The word chartered reminds me of the Magna Carta.  I know, non-sequitor.  Wow, I just realized I have no idea what the Magna Carta was about.  One day I'll end up as one of the morons that Jay Leno interviews on Jaywalking.  I didn't even get close to passing the Third Grade Test.  I remember when I was in either first or second grade, the teacher passed out a map of the US and asked us to color in New York State.  I colored in Long Island.  Yup.  I remember getting the paper back with my error corrected, and all of NY State shaded in.  Though seriously, I think I was just ahead of myself.

But yes, it was nice to find out I passed.  Mainly because if I didn't I would have been pissed off for a while.  Even though I quit my job in finance.  Even though this exam will likely have no effect on my life for the foreseeable future.  But still, cause for celebration!  I bought myself a Snickers w/ Almonds.  Very good.  Seven almonds in the morning make you smart, ain't that right desi-lok?

Though with the Diet Coke chaser for the candy bar, I'm a little jittery right now.  Can you tell?


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