Monday, July 19, 2004


Tough exam this morning - one of those where you are rushing to finish the last question when they announce "Five minutes left!"  Oh well.  I wonder if my attitude toward this class and the exams is too lax.  I study until I feel like I get what's going on, but I'm not doing a million practice problems and memorizing every word that the Professor uttered.   But the way I figure, no matter how much I study, come exam time, the most important thing is whether you stay calm or freak out.  I wonder if I would have done better this morning if I studied more ... but honestly, I don't think I would have.  There would have been more pieces of information swimming around my head - all of which probably would have confused me even more. 
I'm tired.  I went to NY Friday night and caught a late showing of the movie Touch of Pink.  No it is not a movie about my blog.  It's the story of a gay Ismaili man living in London and the cultural/familial/relationship issues that he faces.   The viewing proved to be an interesting experience; I wasn't thrilled with the depiction of Ismailis, or the plot and the acting.  I went a little overboard with my criticism after the movie though, and fear I may have frightened people within a five mile radius.  Oh well.  Though I wasn't a fan, I do think it is worth seeing (but probably only if you are Ismaili or like independent/gay cinema). 
I really enjoy independent film, but I admit ... I love me a good superhero-robot-will ferrell adventure.  I have yet to see SpiderMan 2 (I didn't like the first one though, but I hear this movie is great), Anchorman and Dodgeball.  I want to see I,Robot too, because I have a big ol' crush on Will Smith.  I had a copy of DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince "He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper" on LP.   The good old days. 
Saturday went to a birthday party for a good friend of mine, which was fun.  Though where has my stamina gone?  Going out is a trip ... it's so hard to stay out late.  And all that loud music!  Oh boy, bienvenido a lameville.  And it wasn't just me this time - my party companions agreed!  I guess that doesn't say much except that we're all getting old.  Or lame.  As I told my friends, my next birthday party will consist of Taboo, Monopoly and perhaps some old school Hide and Seek.  Wear sneakers and sweats if you like. 
OK I'm going to backtrack and say something about the Fresh Prince album.  When I was a kid I did a dance at some function to the song "Parents Just Don't Understand".   I was pretending to rap along to it.  It was pretty sad.  But I am totally mentally transported to that place right now - loving DJ Jazzy and Swans Crossing, wearing leggings with slouch socks and rainbow bangs.  At the chorus of the song, my step was to wag my finger (which represented "do not") and then tapping my temple (which represented "understand").  Clever, huh?
Now that I've shared that sad piece of information, I encourage all of you to read the lyrics, and tell me they don't take you right back to 1990.  What a touching story.  Cue violin music.  A boy steals his parents Porsche and gets it impounded, then they beat him up.  They simply do not understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seriously did not know which blog entry to post under because they all cracked me up: the fashion regression observations, your Mom leaving messages to wake you up when you were up and in the shower - hilarious.

I am also in fashion regression. It's called poverty! Ha! Just kidding! It's called sustenance wages.

Ah, life after college.
