Monday, July 12, 2004

too much writing

Today was my second exam. It was relatively painless, which was good. But bad in the fact that I really didn't need to stay in Cambridge to study this weekend. I could've partied like it's 1999! But alas, no. I tried to study and read a book ("In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weiner. Another book to toss into the chick lit genre. I liked it though; slow start but got much better.)

Today in lecture I noticed the girl sitting in front of me had a pink binder, on which she had written "Organic Chemistry." Within a big heart. I wish I had a friend with me in class with whom I could share the evil pleasure of mocking the situation. I'm just imagining if I would have circled my titles on memos and presentations at work with hearts and the like. I can see it now -- "Capital Structure Summary for Company X .... XOXOXOXOXOOX, Hugs and Kisses!"

I had lab again today. Very tiring. We have to write out our lab reports during our time in lab. So we sit there scribbling pages and pages of info. Writing is overrated. I don't like writing lots of material with pens. It's tiring and time consuming. Why write when you can type? It's so much faster. Some notes here and there I understand, but writing copious amounts of information; so unnecessary. Uh-oh. Will this be a major problem if I become a doctor?

Yesterday was a religious holiday of sorts (Khushiali Mubarak to my khoja friends). I went to khane in Boston. Which was fine, but it made me homesick. Would've been nice to be home w/ friends and family. They had sherbat and chocolate cake, which was nice. (Though ... the sherbat was melted strawberry ice cream, which was a bit of a bummer. Those of you who know my addiction to the rose sherbat with crushed nuts will understand my sadness). But the cake was good.

I want to go on a picnic. This will be my next project. Picnic in Central Park. Everyone down?

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