Wednesday, July 14, 2004

breakfast, anyone?

This morning I woke up 20 minutes before I needed to be in class. After making myself somewhat presentable, I made my way to the lecture hall and arrived a bit after class started. Normally I sit closer to the front (because I am a geek). But today I sat all the way in the back, in order to avoid any disturbance.

My discovery: some freaky deaky people hanging out in the back of the lecture hall.

As the Professor was speaking, I heard some weird noises and a noticed a distinct smell emanating from behind me. I turned around, and was more than surprised at what I saw. This kid was eating Ramen Noodles. With chopsticks. Slurping and all. It was 8:30 in the morning! That classified as the strangest breakfast I'd seen in quite a while. The noodles, I guess I could understand. But chopsticks too? For breakfast?

Though the Ramen Noodle guy did distract me a bit, I resumed attempting to follow the lecture. After an hour, we had a 10 minute break (it's a 2 hour class).

During the break, a guy sitting in front of me opened his backpack and pulled out a can of vegetables. I did a double take. A can of vegetables? (Veg-8 was the brand name, specifically). But it gets better. How was he going to open said can? That's right, ladies and gents, he pulled out a can opener from his backpack. And he hand-cranked that contraption until his can of vegetables opened.

Lecture continued, and Vegetable Boy whipped out a plastic fork and started eating his can of goodies. Which turned out to be peas and carrots in the yucky can water. It was like a car accident on the road - I didn't want to look but I had to.

Needless to say, I couldn't pay attention for the rest of class. Where was I? Who are these people? Have sodium laden noodles and carrots in a can replaced cereal, eggs, toast, etc (all Part of a Complete Breakfast)? Are these people really weird or am I the odd one out in this seemingly post-apocalyptic frozen packaged food filled universe?

These are the doctors of the future. Are you worried yet? I am.

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