Saturday, July 24, 2004

bad, bad bus

Dear Chinatown Bus,

Why do you torture me so?  I was so infatuated with you, what with your $10 Boston-NY fare and a 30 minute stopover at a rest stop McDonalds.  But then you betrayed me, telling me the 8:00 bus was the next available departure as I stood at your ticket window yesterday at 5:00 PM.  And then not having the bus show up until 10:00 PM, and with limited air conditioning at that.   I guess a relationship inevitably gets messier after the third date, but you led me on, please know that.  The least you could have done was to be honest, so as to save me 5 hours of sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for you to show up.

Also, was it intentional that you put someone I went to college with on the bus?  Not a friend, but one of those "Oh, didn't we go to college together?  What's your name?" followed by forced small talk.  And did you mandate that this person sit next to me, speaking on a cell phone for a good part of the trip as I tried to sleep, without any luck? 

Thanks for the Lite FM though, it helped a bit.  Norah Jones and a little "More than Words" never ceases to placate me.

I think we should see other people, or modes of transportation.  You'll always be a friend, just not in "that" way.




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