Saturday, July 10, 2004


Fridays are indeed a blessed day when you have a job that doesn't require that you work weekends. Happy hours, shopping and general lethargy abound, with the knowledge that you have a full 48 hours to do pretty much anything. I suppose that is one way in which investment banking and school are similar. Weekends? What weekends? Work, or study. This weekend, I am resigned to the latter. No coming home, since I'm already behind in my schoolwork and have another exam on Monday. Hmph.

But it's not too bad. Just had a review for the exam, and now I have to go organize my notes because I cannot work unless my binder is in order. Yes, I'm a nerd. Even though ... she wanna real man, don't wanna nerd (anybody get me or am I flying solo again?)

So, being back in school has changed a few things. Mainly my wardrobe. I am perpetually in jeans and a fleece. Which, if memory serves me correctly, is the exact outfit I wore all through my undergrad years. Except I wore a red fleece then and now it's purple. And neither are yellow, I had to return that one to its rightful owner.

I walk a lot. I walk everywhere. Becasue Boston is a walking city. And because I shouldn't be allowed to have a driver's license, let alone a car. The hard part was giving up wearing my cute shoes, because they can walk city blocks and the subway, but they cannot take extended activity. I learned this the hard way.

On Thursday I had to go to the Post Office. I totally underbudgeted the necessary time. It took me 45 minutes. 45 minutes! I was in agony in my strappy black platform sandals. I even considered taking them off and walking barefoot for a while. By the time I turned around and made the trek back to my apartment, I decided to buy a new pair of shoes - shoes I can walk in.

Note to self and anyone else who cares: Do not go shopping for shoes when your feet hurt. It's the equivalent of going to a grocery store when you are hungry. You will buy everything that looks yummy. And Guacamole Doritos and Betty Crocker Cheesy Potatoes Mix don't exactly serve any purpose except making you feel gross after eating them.

I digress. Long story short. I bought a pair of comfortable black sandals. OK I lied. Comfortable is a euphemism for orthopaedic. I am a certified loser, and my receipt from the shoe store is my diploma from Loser College. What's happened to me? Ugly shoes, no makeup ... and ... consistently forgetting to wear earrings? Oh man.

The funny part is I still am not totally out of place. Thank you grad students for often forgetting rules of fashion! The danger ... when I return to civilization I must pay serious attention to an upgrade of appearance. Actually, studying all the time also makes it hard to converse with people, so I do hope I can still remember how to hold normal conversations. Truth be told, that's one of the main reasons for the blog ... even if I don't speak to many people while at school, this gives me some semblance of talking (or at least writing e-mails) to the people I care about.

I'm off to walk. In my unbelievably comfortable new shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. i remember having a conversation with you about how I thought the shoes you wore in NY were ugly...these must be hideous...pace yourself...what will you wear when you are 75 if you start wearing granny shoes at 25! ;)