Friday, July 23, 2004

top o' the mornin

My oversleeping is becoming a bit worrisome - I'm finding it virtually impossible to get out of bed when I'm supposed to.   Hmm.  I think it's because I'm not taking the best care of myself right now in terms of diet and exercise ... plus I'm not drinking nearly enough water.   I firmly believe dehydration is the cause of the most lethargy.  But again, do as I say, not as I do.  Though I think I will grab my Nalgene bottle from home and bring it back with me.  Nothing to round out the jeans-and-fleece wardrobe like a good Nalgene bottle.

So I finally dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.   When I walked into the bathroom, I heard some really loud voices.  I figured there might have been people doing yardwork or something in the backyard, but I could clearly hear these voices.  I leaned to the window, and then opened the shades.

I was staring smack at two guys on a ladder who were painting the house.  They were painting right outside the window of the bathroom.  You can imagine my surprise, which only escalated as I realized I was wearing just a towel.  What a morning.

After I got ready (I shut the shades and managed to take a shower), I saw one of the painters outside.  He was an older Irish gentleman with the best accent.  How can you be mad at people with thick Irish accents?  It's virtually impossible.  He told me that they needed to get into the apartment to paint later that day ... but then he spoke really fast and I couldn't understand a word he was saying.  He finally told me to go talk to Seamus, who was painting in the back.  I love that his name was Seamus (and I kept thinking about the poet Seamus Heaney - for some reason I had a mental picture of the 10,000 fliers they had posted around campus when he came to speak so many years ago). 

So they're going to paint later this afternoon.   When I'm riding the sweet sweet Chinatown bus back to my one true love, New York City.  I'm going to go get some water.  And maybe a slice of pizza.  Mmm.

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