Thursday, July 22, 2004

pete and repeat

Usually I don't like to discuss things that I've previously written about, but I feel like I need to update you all on the status of Vegetable Boy (VB) from lecture.  I seriously overslept today again - why is that I can set alarms, even wake up at the time I'm supposed to wake up, and then go right back to sleep, knowing I'll be late?  And then, without any alarms, I wake up at exactly the time that will make me 20 minutes late for class.  Every morning, without fail, I wake up at 8:10 when class starts at 8:30.  It doesn't matter if I went to bed early or late the night before, I will still be late for class.

So I was late.  And sat in the back again.  Right behind my friend VB.  Guess what today's breakfast was?  Come on, guess!  I'll give you a hint:  it involves a can and a can opener.  Give up?  Tuna.  That's right.  He opened a can of tuna (is it chicken or is it fish?) and ate it raw with a spoon.  9:00 AM! 

The good news is I made a friend.  This girl was sitting next to me in class the first time I sat in the back and saw VB.  She and I gave each other that "Is he serious?" look.  Today she was sitting in front of me, adjacent to VB.  After class she got up, saw me and said "Did you see that?  Tuna??"  We introduced ourselves and decided to sit together from now on for the pure entertainment value of VB.

In other news ... well, nothing.  I'm in a bit of an uncomfortable state since I have mosquito bites covering my arms and legs.  What, you ask?  There are mosquitos in Boston?  In fact there are, but they don't drink on Sundays (haha, ok that wasn't funny, I know).   Actually for some reason I am particularly prone to bug bites, wherever I may be.  My mother's explanation is because my blood is sweet (How cute.  Though with the donuts and chocolate obsession, it might not be totally off base).  My explanation is more like Murphy's law.  If there is one mosquito in all the land, he will find me and torture me.

Yesterday in lab we ran some reaction where the product is supposed to smell like bananas.  I was all excited when our final  product actually did smell like bananas (though like banana candy, or lip gloss ... not real banana).  This is what my life has become; one day getting excited because a stock I picked did well ... the next smelling who knows what chemical with the odor of bananas from a crusty old vial used by scores of chemistry students in years past.  Interesting, where life takes you ...

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