Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Yesterday I was speaking to a friend of mine on the phone. The situation I was describing had something to do with kung fu. But for the life of me, I couldn't recall the word kung fu. While we were talking, I started to meander as follows:

"You know ... like Feng Shui. I mean ... uh ... Fung Wah ... No, that's not it. Umm ... like kicking. Fung Wah! Oh whoops."

Finally I got it: Kung Fu. It was perhaps the longest brain freeze in history. It's so interesting when that happens, I think. Your brain went to get some coffee at Starbucks. There should be a warning sign when that happens - or at least, somewhere your body should light up with the words "Brain will be back in five minutes."

There have been no other significant developments in my boring-as-white-bread life. Day job, as always, is frustrating. I started teaching a test-prep class, and that's been fun. I like teaching. Wait, let me rephrase. I like talking. I enjoy an environment where I'm engaged and always interacting with people. Sitting in front of a computer all day necessarily sucks out creativity and articulation skills. This is no joke - when people asked me why I left my last job in finance, one of my reasons is that "After going days without speaking to people, I found myself having trouble verbalizing my thoughts and even talking to my friends."

I finally got my hands on the new Harry Potter book. Harry Potter, you're not the boss of me! But apparently you are, because despite how tired I was yesterday, I stayed up until 3:00 AM reading the book. Honestly - I was sleepy at midnight. But I kept saying "one more chapter ... one more chapter." Until I finally got to a point where my brain actually did knock on my skull and say "Brain ... will be back in five hours."


Zahir said...

"Kung Fu" isn't your only brain lapse. You called the lapse "Brain Freeze." Brain Freeze is an icecream headache, not a memory lapse. I believe the term you were looking for is "Brain Fart." Not exactly one of my favorite terms.

Eric said...

Book 6! What self control you have, waiting more than 2 weeks to start (and going to bed earlier than I did when I read it).