Thursday, August 11, 2005

hotel, motel ... holiday inn

Isn't it crazy about the fugitive couple that was cornered by the Feds and just surrendered at a motel in Ohio? That's some scary stuff - right out of a movie. The wife (the woman who killed the police officer) was a nurse in a correctional facility. While there she met and fell in love with her husband, who was an inmate at the time. This guy is no pacifist either. This is his fifth escape from law enforcement officials. In a prior escape, he and another innmate threated a guard with a knife made out of a toothbrush and a razor blade.

This stuff happens in real life? Wow. It sounds like a bad TV show, doesn't it?

But there are the elements of stark reality. The motel owner, of course, is Indian. Last name Desai, but he falls under the Patel/Motel/Hotel umbrella. He's probably freaking out about his business right now. Who would want to stay at the same motel where the crazy fugitives were staying?


My building has plumbing issues so our water shuts off on certain days. It shut off at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, and again today. This means having to get up wicked early to take a shower. I was so tired though, that I took a shower this morning at 6:20 AM and promptly went back to sleep. A shower is supposed to wake you up! Plus, you always feel a little gross after waking up; be it from a full night's sleep or just a nap. So even though I was technically clean, I didn't really feel fresh and awake.

I hate breaking in new shoes. I've been wearing my new sandals for the past two days and I have blisters all over my feet. I really want to chuck them into the back of my closet and forget about them. But then I think, the more I wear them, the more comfortable they will be! But what if they don't break in and become comfortable? What if they always give me blisters? It's shoe roulette, I tell ya. One thing is for sure, I can't go around wearing these bright blue band-aids that say "LIPITOR" in bold white writing all over my feet. Because those are the only band-aids that I have. My feet look like a third grader's sticker collection. Well, a third grader with high cholesterol. Still, my dad gets free band-aids from the Lipitor people, and now my feet are walking advertisements.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

Lipitor band-aids are better than Vioxx band-aids. I sported one of those 2 weeks ago and got all kinds of stares. Although I suppose Prozac or Viagra ones would be downright hysterical.