Monday, August 15, 2005

spam a little, dance a little

If you have a second, check out the very last comment in my last post. If you don't have a second, let me summarize for you:

It's SPAM. That's right. Some long comment about a stock tip that was obviously automatically generated. First there were telemarketers. Then spam on your e-mail took over. Then telemarketers on your cell phones! And now - spam on my blog comments! Wow! These people will stop at nothing. I am convinced that the government should outsource hunting down terrorists to telemarketers. They'd find Bin Laden in whatever cave he is in, and then try to convince him to switch from Sprint to MCI.


What a nice weekend. My good friend JV and her buddies from medical school came to Boston. She pahked her cah in Hahvayd Yahd (literally), and it was good times to be had. Of course, you put more than five Indian dorks in a room and the geek quotient rises significantly. Only my friends would use the phrase "steady state" when describing the fact that nothing new is going on in their lives. But that's why I love 'em. And pretend not to know 'em in public.

I met up with the group at a bar (33, where else, if you know Boston). I was told to be there around 10:30 ish. Which I was, fully forgetting about IST. As I waited for my friends, one of the bouncers noticed that I looked bored and came over and said "Come hang out with us." So I did. He was a very nice man, as far as bouncers go. But at some point the conversation approached a steady-state (HA!) when he told me he is a plumber and I had to hold my tongue so as to not ask him toilet related questions. Luckily, my friends arrived and I politely excused myself.

Here are some fun pics from Saturday night. My friend J is a rock star. I like her. I likeralot.

Don't we all look so very ... brown? I mean happy. Yes, happy. And brown. Speaking of brown, Happy Birthday Mother India! And happy Birthday to my good friend AE! She is an awesome friend and an honorary brown person. Yes, I have the power to do that, don't ask questions. Lots of happy birthdays all around!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of hanging out with another friend from out of town, and took a little tour of Harvard Yard in the morning. I forget how quaint Harvard can be. As I walked through the Square, all the Asian tourists snapping photos reminded me.

I made some progress on my applications yesterday. I needed some background entertainment as I typed, so I watched Comedy Central's Blue Collar Comedy Tour marathon. Given that I don't fall under any of Jeff Foxworthy's "You Know You're a Redneck If..." criteria, I think I missed many of the jokes. But Southern drawls are pretty darn charming.


Anonymous said...

Jeev and Shek keep using the expression "Correlation is not evidence of causation," to make fun of me now. Dorks of the world unite! :)

Scorps1027 said...

I am LOVING ur hair!