Friday, August 12, 2005

i don't get it.

This morning while riding the T to work, I saw a man with a Segway. Do you remember hearing about these? It's a "personal transportation device". It came out a few years ago and was hailed as the invention that would change life, as we know it, forever. Obviously, that didn't happen. Here is a picture of the Segway (c) their website:

My question is: If he's got a Segway, why is he riding the subway in the first place?

Some people ... I just don't get them. Later this morning, I was taking the elevator back to the 7th floor where I work. I hit the "7" button. A man came rushing into the elevator just before the doors closed. Now, even though the 7 was already lit, he insisted on punching it a few more times.

Why did he feel the need to do that? Did he think the elevator would only open on 7 if he pushed the button, and no other reason? These are the types of people who could never become President of the United States. Can you imagine him sitting in the Oval Office with the BTDTW (Button to Destroy the World, of course) in front of him? We'd all be obliterated. Multiple times over.

I'm so happy it's Friday. This has been a long week.


Brandon said...

Heh. I think Bush is proof that anyone can become President of the United States.

Zahir said...

You're a girl. When a man enters an elevator and sees that a girl pushed the button, he has to press it again to make sure that it was done properly. Simple as that.