Saturday, August 20, 2005

O Brother, Where Art Thou Brains?


My brother said the following in his comment in my last post:

"This has to be the most pointless blog entry you've ever written. "

I beg to differ. Perhaps the post about the footsie in the library, or the 1,524 posts about the fact that my eating habits are really weird. Or my personal favorite, my mid-June post titled "Hello" and the contents of the post say "Why is the font messed up?" And of course, lest I forget that 342 posts about my favorite Chinatown Bus.

Speaking of the Chinatown Bus (I guess this makes it post 343 now) ... a Fung Wah bus caught fire last week. Thanks for the link to the article JW. Although, I must admit I was completely freaked out during my ride on said bus yesterday evening. My knuckles were white the entire time. And I sat in the very front of the bus because the last bus caught fire in the back. You know how much it sucks to admit that there still is no better deal than the Chinatown bus, even though a bus CAUGHT ON FIRE??

This whole blog is pointless. That's kind of the point!

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