Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The building that I work in was recently constructed. Additional construction began in the last two months, and the building shakes. Literally. It rattles as if a subway is passing below. I imagine this is what minor earthquakes feel like.

The thing is, I didn't realize initially that there was construction going on. I would sit in my chair and feel a rumble. And truth be told, for a good few weeks I thought I was imagining it. Literally. I thought that maybe I was hungry from no breakfast or the stress was affecting my sense of stillness. And every few minutes I thought "I felt it! Am I going nuts?"

I have no real co-workers or anyone with whom I feel comfortable enough to say "Uh, is it me or is the building shaking?"

A few weeks ago, my concerns about losing my mind were put to rest. I had a bottle of Diet Coke on my desk. And when I felt the tremors, I looked at the soda. It sloshed a bit and there were ripples. Aha! It's real! It was like that scene in Jurassic Park with the water. Except, you know, there were no dinosaurs. A few days after my scientific discovery, I heard two ladies in the elevator talking about the "shakes." I ruled out hangover shakes as the topic of their conversation, given that they were older nurses wearing clogs and Mickey Mouse pins on their lapel. They finally mentioned the construction going on as the source of these "shakes." And I thought: I am NOT CRAZY! Well, not totally.

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