Sunday, August 07, 2005

date my mom.

Have you seen this show on MTV? It's ridiculous. Basically, this Abercrombie-bred corn-fed frat boy goes on 3 separate dates with the mothers of 3 ditzy girls. The moms try to be flirty and convince the boy that he should date their daughter. Finally, the moms convene on a beach and the boy chooses which daughter he will date.

I just saw an episode. First, it's a pretty strange relationship a girl has got to have with her mom if she'll let her date a guy in lieu of her. Second, the mom herself has to be pretty loopy to go on a date for her daughter. It was embarassing - the moms were basically pimping out their daughters. When the boy asked one of the moms what her daughter looked like, she said "She's beautiful, great body, like me but an 18 year old." The boy just stared at the mom. Because she had gigantic boobs.

I watched though. And I hate to admit that it was highly, highly entertaining. Oh well, I needed a little pick me up. But throughout the show, all I could think was "This could never, ever have occurred in my life. Or the life of any Indian girl I've ever met." Can you imagine a show where a boy went on dates with 3 Indian mothers? That would be more like an episode of Fear Factor. I imagine it would be something like this:

Date my Aunty

Boy: Um, hi, I'm here for our date ...
Aunty: Tuck in your shirt beta
Boy: Yes ma'am. I was thinking of going for sushi for our date
Aunty: Shoe-shi? What is this? Veg-only please.
Boy: Oh, OK. So, what does your daughter look like?
Aunty: Very fair.
Boy: What about her body? Does she .. um ... take after you? (While glancing at Aunty's sagging bosom and ample bottom.)

Lazy weekend. I needed to de-compress. Work, unfortunately, seems to be a lose-lose situation. I don't think I'll be able to continue much longer. But I'll keep you posted on any developments. In the midst of all this, I began to feel an excessive amount of self-pity, thinking, "I work so hard and it never pays off."

And then what happens? I flip on the TV yesterday morning and the movie "Rudy" is on. Oh man, I couldn't stop crying. And the movie was being sponosored by Kleenex! Double Whammy! Yesterday = emotional TV. Today = Silly, make me laugh TV. "Date my Mom" this morning. And, like an early birthday present, Zoolander right now. I'm going to get some Orange Mocha Frappucino!

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