Thursday, August 04, 2005

what next?

Mars Inc. is introducing "Mega M&Ms"to expand their product line. They are aimed at adults. And they come in 'adult' colors, including "teal, beige, maroon, gold, brown and blue-gray."

Great. Metrosexual M&Ms. Whoever complained about M&M colors? Are adults embarassed to eat a bright red M&M? But these people would be OK with a "teal" or "maroon" piece of chocolate? Did they do a focus group? Did someone really say "I am having sexual fantasies about Green M&Ms. It's too much for me. Please, make it blue-grey, to reflect the sadness and angst that fills my Generation X identity."

They should call them Muted M&Ms instead of Mega M&Ms. Bigger and blander. Less fun. But they will match the color scheme of your Queer Eye inspired apartment!

This is so dumb. Beige M&Ms. Beige. They got rid of the two shades of brown (ha! ok, only a single person might get that reference.) And replaced it with beige. Who wants to eat a beige M&M? Why not eggshell, or mauve?

As you may or may not have been able to tell from all my exasperated rhetorical questions, I'm frustrated. By necessity, I can't really give you explicit details about what's wrong because I could potentially get in trouble. In a nutshell: I almost got fired yesterday. Please believe me when I tell you I did nothing wrong and that this was completely unexpected and unwarranted. My gut feeling? My supervisor had a meeting with his boss that morning. Things were probably not OK. He decided to blame someone else. He blamed me for many things that were completely not my responsibility, by a longshot.

He also was a bit cruel and insinuated that I have no motivation. This is literally a snippet of the conversation we had:

"You treat this like a forty hour a week job. You don't work at night, you're gone most weekends. Your work is good, but you don't work hard enough. Maybe you don't want to work hard. Are you really committed to medicine? You know, residents have 80 hour work weeks. Maybe you should consider this career choice."

That was about 5% of the conversation. My head was swirling, my insides were churning. I thought I would vomit. My internal thoughts during the meeting:

1) Um, this is a 40 hour a week job. There's not even much to fill those hours. Nothing is making sense right now.
2) How dare you question my committment to medicine.
3) I used to be a freaking investment banker. Do you know what that means? Do you?
4) Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I've gone on too much. I have to be careful, obviously. You might remember from a prior post the same thing happened to my co-worker a few months ago - so I wasn't completely unaware that something like this could happen. He said almost the same things to him then (while praising me). Still, this is an unfortunate situation. I did nothing wrong and yet I feel like I got smacked for misbehaving.

I'm going to go soothe myself and buy some REGULAR M&Ms.

1 comment:

Eric said...

omg, i'm sorry...what an ass