Tuesday, August 30, 2005

that's tepid

I had a fun weekend. On Friday night, I went out for sushi in NYC with one of my best friends. We were both pretty tired though, and went back to her place to crash. I should clarify. It's really her friend's place. And her friend has an amazing apartment. It's very modern and artfully decorated. Everything is new.

I like cool bathrooms. This apartment had one of those rainfall showers. Have you ever been in one of those? Wow. I need to get me one when I'm a grown up. It's that good. I kid you not, I stayed in the shower for an entire hour.

But the best part was the shower knob. It was very high falutin. Instead of "Hot" and "Cold" it said "Hot" and "Tepid."

I swear. Those were your choices. I realized how fancy this shower was, and how I barely had the right to be in it given that the word tepid is not part of my vernacular. But seriously, can you imagine someone who didn't know what "tepid" meant in that shower? That would be mighty confusing.

The shower experience made me remember a particularly funny episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show. Snoop Dog was Ellen's guest, and they had the most absurd but hilarious conversation. First, Snoop was trying to teach Ellen the "izzle" language. She kept messing up, but finally she pointed at the table and said "tizzable?" And Snoop said "Yeah, dawg."

They then spoke about how Snoop has the ability to introduce words and phrases into widespread use. Just like "izzle", and the phrase "drop it like it's hot." So Ellen asked Snoop to help her institute the use of "tepid" instead of "cool." She asked him: Next time you are on BET, and something's cool - say "Yeah, that's tepid." Snoop said he would and for a good chunk of the show he kept saying "That's tepid." It was hilarious.

I bet he would've thought that shower was tepid, yo.

Boss man is in a bad mood, again. Dazaamit. Ha. I don't think that really works. Fo shizzle.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

i always think of the word tepid in a negative conotation. like the soup was tepid by the time it reached our table. since the word also means lukewarm enthusiasm, i always think of it as halfhearted. having shower control knobs that say hot vs. tepid, rather than hot or cold would depress me i think for one of two reasons. a) the word is not really in my vernacular either and would seem hoity toity and i would feel inadequate being in that high-class shower and b)i've never heard the word used in a positive light.

maybe when snoop dogg makes it cool, i'll feel good about it too:)