Sunday, August 07, 2005

i object.

I summoned enough energy to run some errands this afternoon. Who would have thought that in the span of 2 hours, I would have gathered enough 'material' to write a post? And, in case you were wondering, 'material' is a euphemism for 'things that annoyed me.' Several things I observed made me want to yell out "I object!" Here is a list:
  • That the only way I can get my hair to look cute (as it finally did today) is to put so much product in it that I could snap a strand of hair in half. And also provide enough fuel to power the state of Rhode Island.
  • My stomach being unable to predict how it will react to Dunkin Donut's iced coffee that day until after the purchase of said iced coffee. Needless to say, today it was not a welcome guest. And I bought a medium instead of a small!
  • A shoe store having a sale. First, I object to the fact that a pair of shoes I bought for way too much money 3 months ago was on sale for 50% off. Second, I object that the shoe store was having a sale today, when I was in a vulnerable mood. And finally, that buying a pair of shoes still makes me feel 100 kajillion times better. I am such a girl.
  • People who do not say thank you when you open a door for them.
  • Couples who walk with their hands in each other's back pockets. Grr.
  • Girls who wear midriff bearing tops when they shouldn't. Girls who wear thongs that stick out of low-cut jeans. Seriously, that's so trashy. Actually, low cut jeans for that matter. It might have been on Sex and the City or another show, but there was a line that said "I don't want to own a pair of jeans that I need to get a bikini wax just to wear!" So true.
  • Sales that say 1 for $7.98, Buy 2 for only $11. This was the sale on accordian folders at Staples. I only needed 1. But how could I not buy 2 for only $11?! If anyone needs a 13 pocket accordian folder, let me know. It's actually pretty cool (stop laughing, it is). I bought one in pink (for me) and one in green (a neutral color, for whoever shall receive it.)
  • Having to buy certain, um, female products in front of everyone at CVS. All drug stores should have hidden checkout counters for this specific purpose.
  • Not having the additional 30 seconds to put your change back properly in your wallet after you complete your transaction at CVS because there is a line behind you. Then you have to shove your bills and change into your purse in such a rush, knowing that later that day you will have to empty your purse and/or pockets and reorganize all of your money. And also, having to deal with the fact that when you get home and try to take your keys out of your purse, all the money that you shoved in from CVS goes flying everywhere. Dammit!

Sustain or Overrule to your heart's content. I really need to get started on my applications. I object to proscrastination.


Eric said...

Green accordion folder? Hmmm, I could actually use one...for $5.50 then?

Sophia said...

for you, my friend, i'll make it $5. two for $10. save $1 and go to the dollar store! um, let me know if you get the reference :) but for real, if you want it, it's yours!

Eric said...

I'm a failure--I can't figure out the reference :-(

But $5 works for me--you're still on the street where I used to live, right? Must coordinate pickup...

Zahir said...

He offers $5.50, and you counteroffer for $5.00. No wonder you left finance.

Sophia said...

it's pretty obscure - sorry about that. it's from an indian comedian named russell peters. if you haven't seen his stand up routine you must stop everything right now and somehow get your hands on it!

zahir, obviously i've been telling you for months to watch it ... this is why!

e - whenever for pickup, let me know!