Tuesday, August 03, 2004

this keyboard sucks

Have you ever had to type on a computer with a keyboard that doesn't work very well? It's really quite aggravating. A few keys are stuck so you have to press extra-hard, which itself unleashes anger. It's a slipperly slope I tell ya. On this one, the "t" key (that took some effort) is not working. The is coming out as he. And the return and space bar are stuck too, which is like salt on a wound. Now I look like some crazy stressed out student pounding away at the keyboard. Or is that what I have become - crazy and using the keyboard as a scapegoat? I'll let you decide.

I have two very girly and totally superficial issues to deal with. First, my nails have grown nice and pretty. But long nails are really annoying. It's so hard to type! But they look so purty. For all the ladies in the house (who got real hair, real fingernails ... heehee) - you know the drill. Manicures require upkeep. And I ain't got that kinda money or time. But last week I had a french manicure and I was in love with my hands. I kept staring at them. And I seriously OD'd on hand gestures while speaking to people. But now, no manicure, and I'm jonesing ... what to do? Fish or cut bait (or nails in this case?). I think I will go for the tried and true method - if any of my nails break soon I will cut them. But if they stay intact until Thursday, I will get a manicure.

Similarly, my hair is long. It took me a heck of a long time to get it this long. But if you think nails are a hassle, don't even get me started on hair. Why does my hair require the better part of the morning to dry? Even if I've spent most of my morning blow-drying? The back is still wet. And all messed up frizzy wavy probably has some twigs and bird eggs in there .... Hmph. And I look at all the cute short haircuts all these teeny-weeny college aged girls are sporting. How Cosmo! And I could use hair-wax and be trendy. (Though I did buy some hair wax at one point and try to use it. All it did was make it look like I dipped my head in margarine).

So should I cut my hair? If I do I'll cut it short because I am all about the shock factor. But then I will have to deal with the haircut paradox: your hair will only look good for two days post your new haircut. Then you will wish that you never cut it in the first place.

Am I really this vain? (Don't answer that). I am thinking about it a bit more than usual because I'm going to a wedding this weekend and want to make sure I look presentable. As I previously discussed, being back in school has made even color coordination an option, not a necessity.

I'm going to kill this keyboard. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTttttttttttttt. There.

ps: Now to all the brotha's in the place, that don't give a damn about what them ladies talking about, cuz you just trying to get chummy ... Make some noise!

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