Friday, August 06, 2004


I like the word frenemy. I can't remember where I heard it first; my educated guess is a Sex in the City episode. It's relatively self-explanatory if you haven't heard it before; simply someone who is half friend, half enemy (60/40, but I would make the absolute cutoff 70/30, with 30% being enemy). You might be "friends" with this person for a number of reasons. You were stranded on a desert island together ... you shared a house, a job, a pizza, a last name. A first name.

I ran into someone I could classify into that bucket recently. It consisted mostly of small talk, but post-conversation, I wondered "why do I feel vaguely annoyed?" Nothing happened, but there is always a strange, almost sinister tone to the interaction. Remarks such as "Oh, I was at this party and ran into Bob. He's such a funny guy." When both of you know full well that Bob is someone best left unmentioned.

Warning: Stream of Consciousness disaster ahead.

There is no Bob, I'm just trying to explain is all. Now in my head I'm imaging who Bob is. Tall dark and handsome? Bob doesn't really cut it. Curtis maybe? My brain is jumbled. Today in class we learned the Curtis reaction. But it's spelled curt-i-us. And I thought "Well Curtis sure is courteous!" Niftly little mnemonic, huh? Though I didn't really need to remember the name of the reaction, just the reaction itself.

Mnemonic was the word that Stephanie Tanner got wrong in the Spelling Bee episode of Full House. Did I tell you I watched Spellbound last week? Wow. What a fantastic film! Go watch it right now, especially if you are a) a geek or b) Indian. Though as we all know, those are not mutually exclusive. It's really fascinating actually ... and it made me flash back to my overly precocious childhood and various math/science/nerd competitions. Watching these kids deal with the intense pressure - both parental and self-inflicted, really makes you wonder. Discipline is good, but so is a childhood.

That being said, the movie is so funny! Watch it!

OK, I'm going to go attempt to reclaim a bit of sanity. Strange morning. I had weird dreams, but I couldn't remember what they were about. I just felt very discombobulated when I woke up, and it has extended to the afternoon. Speaking of discombobulated, remember Bob?

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