Monday, August 02, 2004


I am so tired! I didn't sleep a wink last night; the classic example of insomnia ... trying to sleep. Then opening your eyes and looking at the clock. What! It's 2:00 AM! OK, I'm really going to sleep now. 20 minutes later. "I really should be asleep by 3:00 AM." "How is it 4:00 AM?"

The funny part is my friend J who was visiting from NY couldn't sleep either! I don't know if we caused each other's sleeplessness, but at around 3:30 I called her on her not being asleep and then we got up and accepted our fate.

So yes, another Monday morning exam, but this time under the haze of sleep deprivation. Hmm. And lack of sleep usually makes my stomach really upset, so there you go.

Other than that it's your usual morning. I flew back to Boston last night and took the T back to Harvard. When I had to switch from the Green Line to the Red Line, I heard the train approaching and booked it. But alas, I watched as the train pulled out of the station, and shared the "Well that sucks!" look with my fellow sprinters.

A man who was about 50, slightly pudgy with graying hair said to me "How did you know to run for the train? I saw you running and thought you must have ESP." What? I told him I heard the train so that's how I knew (I was absent the day ESP about trains was being doled out). Anyway, so I thought that was that. Sometimes you just don't want people bugging you, especially when you are tired and in no position to make small talk.

I pulled out my notebook on the platform and started reviewing. He came closer, leaned over and said "That looks like Biochemistry 110." I smiled and said "Oh, haha, no it's Organic Chemistry." He said "Chem 20?" Oh boy, he's some sort of Harvard affiliate. I responded, "No, it's the summer course, s-20." "Right, right, s-20. So, what does that say in your notes over there - no O-L?"

What? He's reading my notes and asking stuff? I said, "Oh, that just says no -OH, alcohol."

"Right right."

I asked if he was a professor. Negatory. A scientist? Nope. He didn't offer anything, so I stopped asking. Then, he points across the platform at a girl in a Harvard tee-shirt and says "I hate it when just any person wears a Harvard tee-shirt. They sell them at every nickel-and-dime store around."

WHAT? Not only is this man socially awkward, he's a total snob.

I kindly nodded. He gestured toward his bag and said "I've got my 25th reunion tee-shirt in here" -- with a look suggesting that he and I were co-conspirators in some odd mystery. Whatever buddy. Luckily the train arrived and I hopped on away from him.

Is it me? Do I have some kind of look that says "Please come by and start awkward conversations, I'm always game!"? I don't know. Maybe I should stop smiling so much at people.

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