Monday, August 16, 2004

of mice and weird men

Hmm ... Monday. This is the first Monday in 6 weeks that I haven't had an exam, so that was nice. Friday was our last day of class, and they had a "talent" show where several people sang, rapped and read poetry about chemistry. Yes I'm serious. Our professor played the guitar. Another professor sang the periodic table to the tune of "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General." They also performed some geeky but fun experiments, like making bottle rockets and instant ice cream by using liquid nitrogen. Old school nerd-type fun. We laughed, we cried, and then we laughed again. Good times. It's sad to admit but I did really enjoy the whole spectacle.

Another bright spot this weekend was that three good friends of mine were in Boston! Woohoo! Friends! For me! And it's not even my birthday (but it did qualify as my unbirthday. Oddly enough, my professor was obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. Every day he'd start lecture with a quote from the book.) Anyway, but yes. Friends. Good friends. Old is gold type friends. People who have seen you through every phase in your life and still voluntarily choose to hang out with you. Because you pay them too. Haha.

Saturday night my friend and I went out to a club in Boston. Quite the international crowd. And by international I mean Indian. We were standing by the bar when we were both approached by different guys. Her guy introduced himself, asked her name, and then just stood there. Silence.

I would have much preferred to have had her guy. My stupidly drunk guy leans over and says "Hey, where do you go to school?" Already turned off by him, I decided to pull out the very powerful H-bomb (works wonders for guys, disastrous for women.) I looked him straight in his bloodshot eyes and said "Harvard. You?"

"MIT. I'm a neurobiologist." Oh boy. He could not say the word neurobiologist without getting spittle all over the place. He asked what I was doing so I said "I'm doing post-bac work so I can apply to med school."

"Are you going to be a cardio-thoracic surgeon? Because I need an operation on my heart." (Holds hand to chest in exaggerated fashion). Haha, so funny. I shrug and start to move away. He leans closer. Then he says:

"Do you like to cut up mice?"

WHAT? No really, that's what I said to him. I was totally bewildered and said "what?"

"Mice, you like to cut up mice?"

Umm, I gotta go. My friend was in a predicament also so I looked at her and we tacitly agreed to make a run for it. N.B.: Guys, if you are hitting on a lady, please don't ask if she likes to cut up animals. It's not exactly stellar cocktail conversation.

Other than that, it was quite a pleasant weekend. I got to have brunch on both Saturday and Sunday. Brunch is the bestest meal ever. Brunch should be every day (though why isn't there any lupper, or linner?) Corned beef hash and eggs on Saturday - too damn good. Cornmeal french toast on Sunday. Cornmeal french toast! Why have I never seen this utterly brilliant combination before? Wow. I'm still reeling from the too-goodness of it all.

My final is on Thursday. It's difficult to motivate to study for it. I've been in class every single day for the last 7 weeks, so this feels like a little break. So I want to enjoy it. But I can't; it's a mirage ... I just keep having to repeat, make it to Thursday, make it to Thursday ...

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