Monday, August 23, 2004

bumper fright

The last few days have been so uneventful that I actively sat and thought about anything interesting that has happened to me during the course of my entire life. In order to have something to write here. Not for any particular reason, but I do fear that this free blog experience could have some fine print somewhere that says "inactivity will automatically cause the deletion of your blog." I also worry that one day they will say "You've run out of available space. Now you have to pay $19.99 a month to continue!" Sort of the way Hotmail says "We just deleted the 20 messages you got today because you were within 50% of our storage limit. But click here to buy more!" I can't wait until google mail hits the mainstream and all free e-mail will be forced to up their limits to around 1 gig.

That was neither here nor there. (I actually just wrote that last sentence because I like that phrase. Doesn't mean much when you really think about it though. The logical next question would be, 'well then where was it?'). Two absolutely miniscule and completely inconsequential things happened today. They are so stupid and have no bearing on anything. Except for the fact that they were really eerie.

Eerie thing #1:
I was in the car with my mom. A van passed us on the highway and the bumper sticker said "Driver carries no cash. He's married." I thought it was silly but funny, so I lauged and pointed it out to my mom. I had never seen that bumper sticker before, not that I keep a detailed log of every bumper sticker I've seen. About 10 minutes later, we went to fill gas (full service, bien sur. Besides being incapable of cooking, I am also incapable of driving well and/or filling gas. Confession: I've never pumped my own gas. Another chip to toss into the pile regarding my complete incapacity to handle normal life.) Anyway, as we were pulling out of the station, this little old sedan was turning in. And can you imagine what bumper sticker the car was sporting? That's right. Driver carries no cash.

OK, I know. Just a random coincidence, right. But still, it was so weird! I get the heebie-jeebies when stuff like that happens. As if I have a futile sixth sense. Not convinced? Please be patient, and I assure you that you may or may not believe me. Let's see what's behind door #2 ...

Eerie thing #2:
When we got home, I turned on television in the kitchen and we were watching Everybody Loves Raymond (a show I didn't really care for originally, but now can't live without.) During a commercial, we decided to go watch it upstairs instead. We sit on the bed in her room, and I turn on the television.

The television was on a channel showing Full House. At the exact moment that Stephanie Tanner got up to spell the word "mnemonic." I swear. I had a silent, completely internalized freak-out. I excused myself to check e-mail, when really I came to write this post. (N.B. please see the post 'frenemy bee' to see the connection if you didn't get it.)

I mean, I don't think I've watched Full House in years. The reason I referenced the mnemonic episode in one of my posts from last week was really because it was tucked away in my subconscious and resurfaced when I was writing (and because it gave a nice segue to having watched Spellbound.)

Why did I turn on the TV at that precise moment? Did the TV puppetmasters know I was just thinking of that episode? That very scene in that very episode? Are they reading my blog?!!

Do you see now why I'm so freaked out? Or are you thinking "This girl needs professional help?" Either way. Something supernatural is going on here. The ghost of screwing with Sophia's head sure earned his paycheck today, hoo-wee.

I've said on occasion that I think my life may be a reality TV show for aliens. So many random, irrelevant experiences happen to me. It makes me very self-conscious: "Am I being watched? Am I a chosen one? A prophet to my generation? Someone to spread stories that bear no moral principals? To convert my fellow brethren to the religion of inconsequence and melodrama?

I feel very special. Very special indeed. I know you are thinking it as well, "Damn straight Soph. You sure are, uh, special." Thanks guys. Thanks.

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