Wednesday, June 22, 2005

candy jar

A woman in my "office" has a candy jar. I say office in quotes because it's not really an office, it's a hospital. But where I sit might as well be an office. I have a cubicle. AGAIN. But I digress. Candy. This woman who sits in the cubicle next to me keeps a candy jar. And she puts some money candy in there as well - Hershey Kisses, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. The works.

Of course, the problem is that I am a chocoholic. I really am addicted. I tell myself not to eat her candy, but then I go and take some of it. I suppose it's not that bad, right? Wrong. There have been multiple days where instead of getting breakfast or lunch, I load up on chocolate. This candy jar is very bad for my system. Last night I almost passed out because all I had eaten that day was an egg & cheese sandwich and 35,000 Hershey Kisses.

I've been staying at work late to try and make progress on my application essay (status: just plain old terrible). Unfortunately there are no good dinner or takeout places near here. I hate that about Boston - or Cambridge at least. No good fast food. No Taco Bell. No Subway. No place for me to get some decent food.

How messed up am I that I consider Taco Bell and Subway decent food? But that's a story for another day, I suppose.

I should probably cook at home. But I refuse to. Primarily because I am lazy. And also because the other people in my apartment cook. But they don't tend to do the dishes or clean the kitchen on time. I am loath to cook in a kitchen that has not been properly cleaned. I may sound a bit OCD here, but there is a reason:

Last night, as I was coming home and opened the door, I was greeted by the smell of fish. Not the pleasant grilled-salmon type smell. The fishy fish smell. I walked into the kitchen, and discovered one of my roommates tearing the guts out of a poor fish that still had its head, skin and tail attached. AND - get this. He was using his Swiss Army Knife to fillet that sucker. There were fish guts everywhere. I could not deal. I went to my room and ate my falafel on my bed in front of the TV. So lonely.

Oh yeah, I guess I forgot about the falafel place near where I live. It is quite good. But eating there 3 times a week has made it ... umm .. less good.

Mantra of the moment: NO MORE HERSHEY KISSES!


Eric said...

Falafel...where? Friendly Eating Place? They had good stuff. I used to get their cheesesteak once a week, but my stomach's grease threshold is not what it used to be. If only I was 21 again, when one could eat a large cheesesteak without keeling over...

And watch out for the mini Reese's cups. They're just soooooo much better than the big kind due to the higher chocolate to peanut butter ratio. I think I once ate an entire bag full in like 20 minutes. Of course, that was back in my early 20s when my stomach let me eat anything without complaining.

Zahir said...

How do you ever expect to get married if you refuse to and/or can't cook?

Sophia said...

Moody's Falafel in Central Square -it's right past the ABP. The food is really good and pretty inexpensive. I also like Friendly Eating Place. But mainly because of the name. I keep imagining the 'Everybody Knows Your Name' song from Cheers when I think about that place.

Also, great point about the mini-Reese's cup ratio. They are intoxicating.

And finally, I will find a husband who loves takeout more than I do. Or who will cook for me.

Anonymous said...

So, due to acts of god/my myelin sheath, i can't drive right now. As such you could say that i am stuck in the house of rotting fish. I have exhausted all the dining options in a reasonable radius, many of which are quite tasty. But the other day i had this insatiable craving for taco bell. So great was my yearning for a bean burrito with no onions that i walked all the way to the nearest one. it was a haul. next time you should come.