Wednesday, June 01, 2005

deep throat ... unveiled

The informant from Watergate finally came forward. I don't really understand why this is front page news. Or why he wanted to reveal himself at the tender age of 91. Especially given the evolution of the term "Deep Throat" over the past few decades. Do you really want your granddkids going around telling their friends that Grandpa was "Deep Throat"? Combine that with the mediocrity of teaching history to the country's youth and, well ... that's an ass-kicking for his grandkid waiting to happen.

Though I must admit this breaking-news story did stir up a long-lost memory of mine. We had a mock Watergate trial in my high school American History class. And, you guessed it, I played Deep Throat. Which was very convenient, because I didn't have to do anything except sit there and cite the 5th everytime I was called to stand. Speaking of the terrible education system - this was one of those teachers who gave students he liked good grades, regardless of performance. One of my less-appreciated classmates was cast as a lawyer. He had to do so much preparation and pretty much ran the trial. But the teacher didn't like him too much, and he got a B for the project. Whereas I, who was playing poker on her TI-82 (come on, you did it too) - got an A-. Why I remember this, I don't know. But it supports my theory that history teachers suck. And yes, he was a coach.

I have stumbled upon a thesis for this post without even meaning to. Social Studies, history, etc. is so poorly taught that I think ignorance is now the norm. A few weeks ago, as I rode the bus from Boston to NY, I had the distinct displeasure of being seated near 3 high school girls who were visiting New York City for the first time. They even had a camcorder and were videotaping each other saying "So, tell me how you're feeling - are you excited to see New York? OH MA GOOOD! EEEE! OH MA GAWD!"

Highly annoying.

The highlight of their stupidity, however, occured as we were passing through Connecticut. There was an inlet of water to one side of the bus. A large pond, most likely. One of the girls said "What water is this? Where are we?" And her equally challenged friend replied, "Oh ma gawd, it's like the Ocean. We must be going through New Jersey."

On the way from Boston to New York. With a detour through New Jersey. Yup. Where are those National Geographic Geography Bee kids when you need them? Not on the Chinatown bus, that's for sure.

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