Thursday, June 02, 2005

let me guess

Yesterday I went to the gym after work. Sometimes exercising can reinvigorate you. Last night did not qualify for such an experience. I attempted to run but felt tired, so I walked for a bit. Then I hit the ramp/buttblaster machine, but ended up watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" and was so engrossed that I think I just stood still on the machine for a while.

After my half-hearted attempt at raising my heart rate for the recommended 20 minutes, I decided to be even lazier and went to lie down in the sauna. Luckily, the sauna was empty. I sat down and began to relax, when another woman entered the room. Normally in such a situation, you keep to yourself. But she looked at me and said "Hi!"

I responded politely - "Hello."

It's not a terribly big sauna, but there were other places for her to lie down besides right next to me. But that's what she chose. I thought she would close her eyes and try to relax. But she looked over at me and said, I quote:

"Let me guess. You must be from Sweden."

I swear. Those were her exact words. I shook my head and said "No." I then got up and exited the sauna.

Sweden? Of all places, Sweden may truly qualify as the most illogical guess for where I might be from. I am small, dark and neurotic. Not a tall, strapping blond sporting pigtails and waterbuckets. Though, I suppose I do like me some Ikea.

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