Wednesday, June 15, 2005

OR attire

I began working full time at the hospital in June. I don't do much medical stuff, though. I sit in a cubicle. I work on data management. Basically, I do what I did before I decided to become a doctor. Sigh.

It's kind of lonely here. I have no coworkers. They all left / were forced to leave. So I am lonely, Mr. Lonely. Being alone has its advantages - I can concentrate and get work done when I need to. But it has several disadvantages as well. Primarily, I have nobody to eat lunch with. Eating alone is always a depressing activity. Food should be shared and celebrated. Not consumed while sitting alone staring at people in the hospital cafeteria.

My lunch today consisted of a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich. I sat for a minute to eat my lunch, and looked around at the various people in the cafeteria. Obviously, there were hoards of doctors, nurses and students walking around. Two docs wearing scrubs walked past me. I noticed something a little strange about both of their outfits:

They were wearing scrub shirts with a low V-neck. And both docs had a not insignificant amount of chest hair, which was totally exposed. I began to wonder if these guys are aware of their seeming incongruousness. They are wearing OR caps and booties to cover their feet. But their chests are a haven for potential OR contamination. Maybe they wear another robe on top of their scrubs when they are with patients. But still, I would think an undershirt would be called for in such a sitaution.

And that's all I hafta say 'bout that. Being back in front of a computer all day has caused me to scour the web for all sites that can keep me entertained. It reminds me why I started blogging in the first place. Interestingly enough, I have come across a significant number of blogs who share the exact same 'skin' or design of my blog (the pink template and font). So much for uniqueness. Not to be deterred, I wanted to see if anyone else in cyberspace is using the title "Sophia Chronicles."

Indeed, they are. Some couple had a baby they named Sophia and they monitor her every move on their version of the Sophia Chronicles. I can understand that. This, however, is truly weird.

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