Friday, June 03, 2005


I am attempting to write my essay for my medical school applications. This is proving to be even more painful than I anticipated it to be. First, I haven't written an essay since college. And even then, I tried to avoid it as much as possible. I was an Applied Math major, see ... I think if I handed any of my math professors a sheet with words instead of numbers on it they would self-destruct. Just kidding. It's not like I went to MIT or something.

So yes, j'essaie. Which means "I'm trying" in french. Did you know that's where the word essay comes from? It's from the french verb "essayer" which means 'to try.' I think it's kind of funny because "essayer" in English would seem to be a person who is trying to write an essay. Therefore, I am an essayer.

Maybe I'll just print out an old blog entry and send it in. Casual writing, no problem. Forced writing - no can do.

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