Tuesday, June 28, 2005

modern life

At some point yesterday, the main headline on CNN.com was "The Internet Transforms Modern Life."

Well, DUH.

Are you seriously telling me that given everything going on in the world today, the most important headline was effectively telling me "Whoopee for the Internet!"? How apathetic is the media-viewing population that these are the types of stories that keep them engaged? I am sure I sound hypocritical because I devour all celebrity-related gossip and read the Entertainment Section of the newspaper before I read the front page. But still. This is ridiculous.

Also, given that poeple had to be on the internet in order to read this article on-line, I'm pretty sure your target audience already knows that the internet has transformed their "modern lives." It's like telling people who are waiting for food at a restaurant "I would like to inform you that you are hungry."

Stupid, stupid CNN. Why I still read it, I don't know. Their movie reviews are pretty good. Speaking of the internet though, I guess it's pretty cool that I have the opportunity to blog. There's modern life for ya. Prior to this I would have had to keep a personal journal and then send you all copies of my inner thoughts by snail-mail. And then I would tell you to mail it to 5 friends and that if you didn't do that you would be cursed and grow warts all over your face ... ahh, memories.

I am ashamed to admit I did participate in a post-card-chain letter thing when I was in elementary school. I don't even rememember the details, but I was told to send out 5 postcards to random people (who these people were or how I even got their mailing addresses is beyond me). If you didn't do it you would have bad luck. If you did do it, you would get 100 postcards in the mail from people on all corners of God's green earth.

Needless to say, that was a waste of 5 stamps.

I tried to update my blog yesterday and the font suddenly got very messed up (thus explaining my last post). What did I do to my blog? I tried to fix it but was having quite a bit of trouble. Finally, I had to reselect the pattern of the blog and republish. It worked out OK, but there were a few bugs. In the "help" section of blogger, they told me I needed to go into the HTML guts of my blog and rejigger some things there.

Wow. I felt like I was looking under the hood of a busted car. Staring at all this HTML code made me feel like I was in a digital jungle. All I wanted to do was put a space between the post title and the actual text! I finally figured it out, but did not like this whole "Fix it yourself" element to this blogging site. I am not yet prepared for that modern a life.

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