Wednesday, June 29, 2005

my tummy is mad at me

I was a very bad girl today. As you may have learned from my previous posts, I have terrible eating habits. My diet is an unbalanced as Tom Cruise. I know this is one of the primary reasons I find myself struggling with constant lethargy. A few months ago, I was on a big healthy eating / work-out craze. It actually went pretty well and I felt really good overall. This also helped as it was during the time I was studying for the MCAT.

However, since early June, I found myself facing finals and lots of out-of-town travel. I completely stopped working out (though the evil people at Boston Sports Club still get paid for my lazy ass). My healthy diet went to pieces as well. I will give you a brief summary of my gastronomie:

  • I don't have breakfast
  • Lunch consists of whatever may be in the cafeteria, or some fast food takeout that day
  • Dinner is most often takeout, usually of the Asian or Middle-Eastern variety
  • I find it virtually impossible to refuse any of the following: cookies, chocolate, chips, chocolate chip cookies, caramels, chicken nuggets from either McDonald's or Wendy's, ice cream, cake, ice cream cake, samosas, gyros and any type of pizza.

I've tried to be a little bit better, but my willpower is at an all-time low. This morning, I woke up and vowed to be health-conscious. It started off well as I had a banana for breakfast. Mmmm, potassium. As I got off the T, a bunch of people were standing there handing out free granola bars. I didn't want to take one. I knew I shouldn't. But they were FREE. And granola is good, right? So I grabbed one. It turned out to be a S'mores flavored granola bar. Even I couldn't justify the health benefits of a S'mores granola bar.

As an aside. The people handing out these granola bars have been doing so for the last week. They are members of the Hope Church. They give you a business card that says the following:

Yes ... it really is free!

We hope this small gift brightens your day. It's a simple way of saying that God loves you, no strings attached. Let us know if we can be of more assistance.

The back of the business card has the address of the Church. Now, the first time I received the card and free granola bar, I didn't think much of it. The second time, I did get the warm and fuzzies that these people are really nice, and gosh darnit, God loves me. This morning, I seriously contemplated attending the Hope Church. Now that is some serious marketing.

So I slipped up with the granola bar. A salad for lunch, I declared! I had to go to the post-office during my lunch break. As I was walking, I passed a Starbucks. And that was my downfall. Today, Starbucks is handing out free ice-cream. This lovely woman was handing out pretty sizable ice cream cups. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. Don't do it Sophia. Oh, but I did. I sat outside and ate the entire thing of ice-cream for lunch. It was terrific. For about 10 minutes. After that, my stomach fuly retaliated. Ice cream for lunch? Who do you think you are missy? Please give me some nutrients that do not fall into the sugar or high-fructose-corn-syrup family.

I needed to put something remotely food-like into my displeased gut. What to eat? I wasn't even hungry, but I needed something. Something.... and then my eyes fell on the Wendy's across the street. My feet propelled me there before my brain could even think about it. Suddenly I was ordering their chicken nuggets. So bad! But so good. I ate them in 2 minutes. Mmmm.

My stomach has filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences.


Eric said...

Ooh, the Wendy's five it still 99 cents? We had a Wendy's accross from my high school, and that Value Menu was so clutch when it came to getting an after school snack (especially back in the day when Biggie Fries and medium Frostys were still on the value menu).

Sophia said...

Yup - 99 cents. As is the small chili. And a sour cream and chive baked potato. And a small side salad. Though, as you can probably guess ... I've never ordered the salad.