Thursday, September 30, 2004

bob the builder

Yesterday, I received the bookcase, computer desk and office chair that I had ordered from Today, I assembled them. All-buh-myself!

I knew it would be a challenge, given my lack of coordination and even more prominent lack of strength. It wasn't terrible though; but it did take a good part of my morning. The desk was surprisingly not that difficult - I did the whole thing with the screws and that little L-shaped screw-tightening-thing. Does that little dohickey have a name? It's da bomb. I felt like MacGyver.

The chair wasn't so easy though. It took me a good hour and a half. Things didn't fit, some parts were uneven. I came close to giving up, but muscled through it. I finally finished and sat on my creation. At which point I looked down and saw the packet with the chair warranty information. And a flyer that said:

"Buy this chair assembled for an additional $5!"

$5? I could have bought it assembled for $5?! Why was this piece of information INSIDE THE BOX? Shouldn't they have had this somewhere on the website? Or at some point *before* I completed my order? Oh man! I still feel proud that I did it myself (although there will always be a hint of fear that it will fall apart when I sit on it). But $5 is definitely in the zone where I would've bought it ready made.

At least I have a chair to sit on to watch the debates tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh...yeah, uhm, long time reader, first time poster. About that L-shaped thing, it's called an allen wrench. Yep, you can take that and file it under 'useless knowledge.'

In any case, good luck with the chair and good luck in Bean Town. You're still my hero for going back.