Monday, September 20, 2004

moving pains

Bonjour Cambridge! And hello to the stress and aggravation of moving. I came up here only with clothing and essential items; I planned on furnishing my room once I arrived. I decided to see if I could find any bargains on used items by scouring Craigslist religiously. No dice. Used beds are kinda icky. I learned this the hard way after checking a few out.

So I am here without a bed, and without a clue as to what the future holds. Class starts tonight at 7:30 PM, which is taking some getting used to. It is such an odd time for class; I am not accustomed to night school (and no I am not getting my GED for those of you who find it funny to ask). I fear that I may actually forget to go to class since it's not what I'm thinking about in the evening.

This morning I chatted with some of the guys that I used to work with. Sometimes I really forget that I actually don't work there anymore. I was actually a bit sad; I often miss the comfort and security of having a job and the idea that I more or less know what to expect from my day. The surreality of my present is ovewhelming at times. At least I am getting a wireless signal from somewhere in the apartment; without internet I'd be utterly lost.

I also tried to update my resume today. I realized that most everything on there is irrelevant to the types of jobs I am applying for. How do I rephrase three years of work so that it positions me well for a field in which I have very little experience?

Today was also the first day of class for the undergraduates. And the new freshman. Who, as someone at lunch today pointed out, are class of 2008. 2008! They were born in 1987. I Love the '80's Strikes Back will mean nothing to them.

On a very bright note, I've been able to spend some good quality time with some friends who also just moved to Cambridge. Last night, we had crepes, cooked dinner and watched Six Feet Under and the Emmys. Just what the doctor ordered.

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