Friday, September 17, 2004

life is a mystery

Maybe not so much life, but at least my blog. Weird phenomenon of the moment: My home computer is old and somehow has developed a resistance to Internet Explorer. So we have to use Netscape instead. Not that I really paid attention to differences in browsers. But let me tell you. Netscape sucks. Half the time it can't open certain web pages, and the other half of the time it screws up whatever is to be displayed.

That being said ... Netscape can't display my blog. It used to, but now it doesn't. When I load it up, the screen is blank. I'm really hoping this means that my blog wasn't magically erased in cyberspace. If it is, then I guess all this writing is pretty futile. If not, it means I have no way of checking which posts have actually shown up and which have not. Or whether someone has hijacked my blog and is writing profusely on the subject of teletubbies, or some other such alien force field.

So if you are reading this, then that's good. I feel like this is the blogging equivalent of "If a tree falls in a forest and noone hears it..."

Today my friend invited me to open a Google g-mail account. I got punched for g-mail, awesome! (Lame Harvard joke for those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about). I'm in a secret society that offers 1 gig of memory and advertising related to the text of my e-mails. Why I keep getting advertisements about male escort services, I'm not sure!

Many thanks to D. for inviting me to participate in this elite cyber clique. Extra special thanks for inviting me, because of the following reason: A few months ago, my brother was able to open a g-mail account. He had three invitations he could share with friends. I asked him but was denied. He chose to invite his friends over me. That's ok though. When it comes to the family, he is the weakest link. Goodbye! OK, I'm just kidding.

Back to Cambridge on Sunday. How did I go from itching to get out of Cambridge every second I was there, to not being able to wait to get back? I never thought I would've switched over, but dare I say that I am really enjoying myself and excited about the coming year in ye olde 02138.

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