Saturday, September 04, 2004

oh no.

Deep thought of the day: bad luck sucks. It starts off small, but then snowballs into wishing that you could crawl into a hole and never come out.

1) My Dad found my blog. Hi Dad! Not that there is anything wrong with him reading it, it just caught me off guard is all. On Friday evening, he asked me why I didn't tell him that his secretary had porn on the computer. I sheepishly asked "How did you know that?" And he responded that he "read my chronicles." I like how he said chronicles, since he is the only person to actually refer to the blog that way.

But now I feel guilty for having complained about working in his office. I loved it Dad. Last week was the most fun week of my life ever!

I feel a bit more self-conscious writing now though. Guess I can't write too much about my illegal extra-curricular activities. Or the fact that I have an illegitimate child. And don't know who the father is. Sorry Dad!

Oh yeah - to my brother - he found your blog too. If I'm going down, you're coming with me. (Just kidding. Though I'm serious about the fact that he found your blog). Are you sensing the passive agressive nature of conversation in my family?

2) I seriously busted my cell phone minutes last month. I had no idea since it's part of a family plan. I had never gone over prior to that because I had a job. And I could make phone calls from said job. No more of that. Though I never considered it when using my cell phone.

I screamed and yelled at T-Mobile and got a bit of money taken off the bill. And then I considered upgrading to more minutes. And that's when my head nearly exploded. To upgrade, I need to sign another 1-year agreement. But I don't get a new cell phone. Even though new customers to T-Mobile can get the same plan with a new phone ... and a $100 rebate! What? I called T-Mobile completely irate. This is the conversation I had with the apathetic customer service rep on the other end:

So if I cancel T-Mobile today, then sign up for a new plan tomorrow, I get a rebate and a free phone?


But you can't upgrade me and give me the rebate and free phone while keeping my number?


Even though I've been a customer for 3 years?


So a new customer gets all this stuff and I can't? What if I cancel the contract and sign up for a new one? Can you keep my same number?


I hate you.

Have a nice day and thank you for using T-Mobile.

3) My Hotmail account is overflowing. I figured out how to download all my Hotmail to Outlook, so I did that. And then I deleted everything I had on Hotmail to free up space.

The problem? I still had Outlook open on the computer. It resynchronized to Hotmail, and seeing that I had no messages in Hotmail, deleted all the messages I downloaded. I didn't realize that I had it set such that Outlook mirrors Hotmail, not backs up Hotmail. Oh no no no. Now I have no messages anywhere! Important e-mails, phone numbers etc. that I've stupidly been keeping on e-mail? Gone.

Given my doozie of a day, I decided to be grumpy and am watching TV. As luck would have it, there is a 90210 marathon. And right now I'm watching the series finale - Donna and David's wedding. Eric Benet is serenading Donna and David. How weird is it when has been artists perform on TV shows? I think it's strange.

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