Monday, October 24, 2005

what do you do for fun?

I had my first medical school interview on Friday. It was ... blah. Not bad, not great. This school has a reputation of being rigorous and competitive. Everyone there - from students to faculty, made a great effort to try and dispel this perception. They kept saying:

"Don't worry about the interview! It's just to make sure you are a social person and someone we would want to have as our classmate!"

That's understandable. What became aggravating, however, was that many people - including current students as well as my interviewers, all asked the following question:

"So, what do you do for fun?"

I've decided that this is the dumbest question you can ask in an interview. I understand you want to gauge where I fall on the social aptitude test (the "New" SAT!). But honestly, how are you supposed to answer this question without sounding like a total toolbag? Standard answers (some of which I said, many of which I heard fellow interviees say), along with my personal interpretation include:

#1: I hang out with my friends
(Please believe me! I really have friends!)

#2: I go to the movies and hang out with my friends
(Please believe me! I really have friends! And PS I grew up in the suburbs).

#3: I play the guitar
(By any chance will you believe that I'm really chill and not competitive? I'll host campfires in my room and we can roast marshmallows. PS: I'm really a freak who loves Star Trek).

#4: I sing
(Shout out to my resume! Please take a second look and see that I sung in an a capella group, re-emphasizing that I am indeed a well rounded individual. Can you please tell the admissions committee that? Please??)

I was partial to #2 in my own interviews. I find it ironic that had I been truthful, people probably would have looked at me like a freak. Even though the things I do are TOTALLY normal. Here's what I mean:

#1: I wear hootchie mama outfits and go dancing with my equally hootched out friends.
#2: Lifetime, Television for Women.
#3: My Super Sweet 16. Actually, this should be #1.
#4: Taco Bell
#5: Any Will Ferrell movie. Especially Old School. Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank!
#6: Making fun of people. We all do it. And admit it. It's fun.
#7: Write about people who ask dumb questions like "what do you do for fun?" on my blog.

When I was banking, I had to interview potential candidates. I asked one girl what she did for fun (I know, I know). She said she makes stained glass windows. And you know what? She GOT THE JOB. Because when it comes to med school or a job, it doesn't matter what you do for fun. What matters is can you get the job done and not get on my nerves too much.


I had a bad weekend. I felt overwhelmed and really depressed - and no, I did NOT need a Midol. I stayed in bed all weekend and felt sorry for myself, while indeed watching Lifetime, Television for Women. Seriously, there is a reason that channel rocks. Depressed women everywhere, unite!

So, um, what do YOU do for fun?


Anonymous said...

sleep, read, discuss, watch movies...hmmm truly an idiotic question.

haha, lifetime. now i know the point of that channel.

Eric said...

Hmmm, I play guitar. And, sigh, closet Star Trek fan. You know me better than I know myself...

Anonymous said...

ohhh... a guitar playing Star Trek fan! Move over Casanova!