Thursday, October 06, 2005

clown feet.

For my size, I have relatively big feet. I have strange feet issues; for example, one foot bends inwards and causes pressure on my knees.

Over the past few years, I've realized that I will have to forgo fashion for comfort in the footwear arena. Fancy occassions still call for painful 4 inch heels of course. But the day to day routine will have to be sacrificed to the comfort side.

Over the summer, I wore Dansko sandals almost exclusively. What can I say? They hug my big clown feet. Since today was relatively warm, I wore my red sandals. After work, I stopped by The Gap and a shoe store for some browsing. While in the shoe store, an older woman (maybe mid-60's) came up to me and said:

"Excuse me, may I ask you something?"

I said "Sure."

"Where did you get your shoes? They look so comfortable."

Oh maaaaaaaan!

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