Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i watch too much TV.

The hardest part of any addiction is admitting that you have a problem. So here goes:

I think I watch too much TV.

More acurately, I think I watched too much TV for a good part of my life. Because today something happened that made me realize two things:

1) Precious brain space is being clogged up by TV related things
2) Too much TV can blur the lines between reality and, well, not-reality.

This afternoon, I met a British doctor who is spending a year at the hospital to do research. I had to meet her at the reception desk and show her to a conference room. We chatted briefly. She is obviously uber-intelligent, well put together and quite personable.

So why did I have this nagging feeling that I didn't like her? I met her for all of one minute and I decided something was off. Am I so judgmental and petty? As I reflected on my immature reaction, I realized what it was about her that seemed offensive.

She looked and sounded exactly like the woman who played Emily (Ross' British chick) on Friends. It was eerie. What was truly frightening though, was that my thoughts about a fake person on TELEVISION somehow manifested themselves in real life. Thank goodness I didn't look at her and say: Damn you for trying to get between Ross and Rachel!

I have cut down on TV significantly though, so I'm well on the road to recovery (from what, I'm not sure). Although - if you aren't yet, you really must check out My Name is Earl. It is hilarious. I hadn't seen it yet but they replayed the first three episodes this past weekend. I was laughing out loud in the living room like some mental patient while my parents were asleep upstairs.

Uh, so maybe this road to recovery will be longer than I thought.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

You know what sucks? Sometimes, I can't tell if television mimics reality or reality mimics "reality tv".

The writers of Friends probably got their ideas from real people, who acted like characters they saw on television, who are copies of real life people who acted like characters they saw on television. I think we should stop kidding ourselves and just turn the planet into one big TV show.