Thursday, October 06, 2005

crossing guard

The main road near the hospital is under construction. It's quite dangerous to navigate, and for the past few months police officers have literally been acting as crossing guards and shepherding us wee lambs across the street.

Yesterday afternoon, as I was returning from getting some lunch, I waited by the crosswalk for the policeman to let me across. He turned to me and said "Student?" I didn't want to get into it, so I just said "Yeah." "Medical?" he continued. I nodded (I mean, I will be one day, right?).

"Where you from?" he asked.
"New York."
"Bronx, Brooklyn?"
"Long Island."
"Verrazano. Yeah. I was on the Verrezano Bridge a few weeks ago. Crazy. Crazy construction. Verrazano. My buddy's from Staten Island. Yeah."

Jigga wha? I was so confused. I stood there with my Miss America fake smile plastered on. The light finally changed. I turned to him and said:

"Have a nice day!"

And he said "Yeah, yeah. I'll try but look at all this sh*t" and proceeded to gesture to all the crazy cars driving by.

I forgot about my strange crossing guard, until I encountered him again this morning. I looked at him to cross, and he said "The doctor right? Smile baby, don't look so severe!"


Scorps1027 said...

You smiled after he said that, right? I mean you wanted to look indignant, but couldnt' help laughing after a comment like that. I love how people have the audacity to say some of the things they say.

Anonymous said...

that's awesome...FINALLY...someone who mistook long island from staten you know how many confused stares i get when i say i'm from staten island? " that like long island?" "No, honey, it ain't." ;)