Monday, July 25, 2005

to stay, or not to stay

Last night I met up with two people and went to a production of Shakespeare's Hamlet in Boston Common. I didn't know my fellow theater-goers all that well - one was a friend of a friend, and the other was his friend's friend. Confused yet? Basically, the three of us hardly knew each other, but were all up for something fun and cultural.

The night started off nicely, as I arrived at the Commons a bit early and ate some Burger King. FYI, the Italian Chicken Sandwich is back! I think my brother may be the only person as excited about this as I am, but damn ... that thing is good. I soon met up with my companions, and we headed over to the Commons. It was a beautiful night - not too hot, not too cold, a nice breeze and a fun crowd. We were a bit far from the stage, but who cares, we were going to be all smart and see Shakespeare!

The play soon started and I did my best to listen and try to understand what the hell Shakespeare is all about. I've never read Hamlet, but the Playbill did give a quick synopsis. I tried to follow the dialogue, but sincerley admit that:

1) I couldn't and
2) I didn't want to.

All around me, people of all ages and races seemed entranced by the lyrical nature of the actors' dialogue. I held on to the synopsis for dear life, as it proved to be my flashlight in the darkness of ignorance that is me. Within half an hour, the two people I was with and I started exchanging uncomfortable glances. Basically, we were trying to gauge how much fun the other two were having. Our body language was pretty clear. Finally, M, the organizer, looked at me and the other girl and said "So, you guys wanna go to a bar or something?" We both smiled and said "totally!" in unison. Instead of a bar, however, we ended up getting some good Indian food at a little hole in the wall restaurant known and loved by Boston's Indian community. We got to know each other a little better and had a really nice time.

It's strange sometimes, isn't it, how people get along? It's quite a crapshoot - sometimes personalities don't merge and hanging out with new people turns out to be unenjoyable. But the three of us got along well and had a pleasant evening. I hope I get to hang out with my new friends more, because as you have probably sensed by now, Boston isn't all that fun. And finding friends who feel the need to try and be highbrow and actually make the attempt to watch Shakespeare, only to all admit they want to hang out and talk about silliness ... well, that's pretty unique.

I will take an Adam Sandler movie over Shakespeare in the Park any day. That's just me. And I'm glad I'm not alone in that vein.

Except, of course, if it's Romeo and Juliet. Because, well, I'm a girl.


Anonymous said...

Still have yet to check out a Shakespeare in the Park in NYC. But now I'm even more ambivalent after reading your account. :)
More importantly, you went to dhaba??? *sigh* I miss college.

Zahir said...

Lovely... Burger King, leaving Shakespeare for a bar, all you're missing is that Blue-collar Boston accent.

Sophia said...

Not a bar - a desi restaurant. I don't need a Boston accent. I already have a FOB indian accent to accent my lowbrow-ness.