Friday, July 08, 2005


It's been raining like mad in Boston for the past few days. I got caught in a terrible downpour on Wednesday. The kind of downpour where the rain laughs at you for even thinking that you could avoid it by using a mini-umbrella. Everything got soaked. My new favorite thing got soaked - the LL Bean monogrammed backpack I bought for myself. Yes, I monogrammed it, just for myself. Greetings, fellow citizens of Nerdinia. Here is a picture. It's from the website. The website had a sample up there with the initials "PGR." I am not PGR. I am SAV. I altered the picture for your benefit (as you can see, I'm really into the pictures on Blogger now.)

So my backpack got soaked. It's a really good backpack, it can withstand normal rainfall. But nobody stood a chance against this rain. It was so bad that my wallet, which was in a compartment within another compartment got soaked. My dollar bills are still wet.

While I'm on the subject of dollar bills ... I had a strange experience while riding the T into work this morning. There was a nice family - obviously tourists, riding in the same subway car. They had a cute daughter, around 5. A little hyper. There was a woman sitting across from the little girl, and the girl tried to impress the woman by dancing a little bit. She was wiggling around in her seat and giggling - even I couldn't help but smile. But then the girl got up and grabbed one of the subway poles and started dancing. It got a bit strange as she kept dancing with the pole. I mean, the child was five! The woman facing the girl gave sort of a "this is weird" laugh. That it was. Someone, call Benson and Stabler, stat!

My boss is still kind of bonkers. He finally wrote my med school recommendation -

something I've been asking for quite some time. He kind of used it as leverage to get me to do work, saying things like "You should really work hard on this project, it'll enchance your recommendation."

A few things. He showed me the draft today. He spelled my name wrong and continually referred to me as "he." In addition, he wrote "Sophia has been working here for the past 8 months. She will continue to work here for another year."

Jigga WHA? When did I say that? And when did you decide to put that in writing in my medical school recommendation? Oh boy. Though, it's pretty trivial I suppose. It's just annoying is all.

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