Saturday, July 23, 2005

i woke up disoriented.

It's 3:40 AM. I woke up 10 minutes ago completely disoriented. Yesterday morning, the power went out in the apartment while I was at work. My cool roommate was kind enough to venture into the basement of doom and wade through cobwebs to the fusebox and reset the power. Me, I couldn't even reset my clock to say the correct time.

I fell asleep watching TV last night. My sleeping habits are cyclical and very strange. For the last 2 months, I could not get more than 6 hours of sleep a night. It would take me at least 2 hours to fall asleep also. If you were unlucky enough to interact with me during that time frame, I'm surprised I didn't scare you away since you are still reading this right now!

Then suddenly last week it changed. I felt quite tired all the time, and last Sunday I fell asleep at about 10:00 PM and woke up at 9:00 AM. Eureka! Sleep catch up! I was high on REM baby. But then this whole week I've been sleeping a lot. Ironically, I'm more tired during the day now that I'm sleeping than I was during the times when I was not sleeping. The sleep hangover - myth or reality? I tend to favor the latter - the more sleep I get, the more I want, and the more tired I become.

So yes, last night I fell asleep while watching TV. I had not brushed my teeth or washed my face. I woke up suddenly, completely confused as to what time it was but acutely aware of the fact that my face felt greasy and my breath was oh-so-unpleasant. Requisite face washing and teeth-brushing ensued, and now I'm completely awake. Hey ya'll! (This is Paula Dean ...).

At 3:45 AM one tends to think of random things. Right now, I am thinking about:

- My haircut. I am now convinced I look like Moe of the 3 stooges (far left). Also, doesn't the Stooge in the middle look like Robert De Niro?:

- Soy Milk. I kinda like it, it kinda makes me feel really sick. I was introduced to Chocolate Soy Milk by a friend and fell in love. My parents visited last weekend and we went grocery shopping. Given that I had to neither 1) pay for the food nor 2) lug it by hand back to my apartment gave me carte blanche to buy whatever I wanted. It was like Supermarket Sweep baby! I bought 6 quarts of Soy Milk. Before I drank it occassionally. I started drinking a big glass daily. And my stomach, well, not so happy.

- Congress is changing Day Light Savings time? WTF? Can they do that? Won't this mess up our time schedules, especially with respect to the rest of the world? What next? Will they vote on gravity?

- While flipping channels yesterday I came across a Family Feud re-run. The 2 groups competing? Ex-Wives vs. Ex-Husbands. Huh. How does that work? Is that part of the divorce settlement? "I'll give you the car ... if you agree to go on Family Feud with me." I am also amused by the fact that Al from Home Improvement is the host. Why is the host of Family Feud always a portly, next-door-neighbor type of guy?

- Community Access Television is weird.

- It's too hot in my room. I keep thinking about getting an AC, but every day means one day closer to the fall, and no need for an AC. I had all these plans to read, clean and do laundry after coming home yesterday. But all that fell apart due to the unreasonable heat. So I plopped down, turned on the TV ... and here I am.

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