Friday, July 22, 2005

speaking of counting

Since yesterday's post dealt with counting things, I decided to actually start counting how many visits I get to this blog. The application started to keep track of visits as of this morning.

So, I guess not many people are reading this blog. I could lie and say it doesn't matter, but people, why don't you like me?! (I just an eerie flashback to seventh grade when I had braces and rainbow bangs).

Maybe I should reconsider having this website tracker, but perhaps I do need a dose of reality. Does my blog suck? Really, I'm curious. It's not like I'm going to stop writing though. I have nothing better to do at work except surf the web until I get so bored that I decide to vent out my frustrations to my miniscule audience.

That being said, I myself like the blog. Then again, I am the girl who laughs at her own jokes. I also know that there are a handful of loyal readers out there, whom I adore. Thanks guys! I once had a friend who told me he thought my blog was stupid. Note the past tense in the last sentence.


I'm going to pretend I'm on the therapist's couch right now and divulge a little neurosis. I've been in a funk for a while now. I don't like Boston, I don't like my job. I want to go back to New York but I recognize that is completely an escapist route. If I move back to NY, especially without a job, I will get frustrated and take it out on my parents.

I live here right now because I have a job at a hospital. I don't like this job too much, but I'm very wary of leaving it. First of all, I have health insurance. That's quite important.

Second, my medical school interviews are coming up and I do not want to seem flaky. Since I'm a career switcher, I feel that one of the most important things I need to do is convince the medical schools that I really, truly want to be a doctor. This is not a whim. However, quitting my first medically related job after 8 months is not that best way to convey the sentiment that I am dedicated to becoming a physician. Sigh.

And - I never thought the day would come ... but I am sick of the Chinatown Bus. I can't take it anymore. I did a very depressing calculation the other day. Since moving to Boston, I think I have made at least 15 round trips on the bus. That's 30 trips on the bus. At 4 hours a pop (sometimes more), I've spent 120 hours on the damn bus. That's 5 straight days! 5 whole days! And what do I have to show for it? There are no frequent rider miles. They should upgrade me the next time I take it. Oh I know! They should let me drive the bus!

Oh a lighter note, I am trying to de-funk-defy. I went salsa dancing with a friend yesterday. How fun! I've never really gone salsa dancing; luckily they had some rudimentary lessons. My friend is also a terrific dancer, so all the ingredients were there for an exciting night. We didn't take ourselves too seriously and danced for about 2 hours. However, we were both distracted by a woman at the dance club:

This woman had the most gigantic breasts of any woman I have ever seen in my entire life. They were obviously fake. She was wearing the tiniest halter top as well. Her shirt was truly a miracle of engineering and stretchy fabric. At some point she walked near us, and we both had to duck.

In a previous life, my friend was a computer programmer focusing on missile defense. He lapsed into protocol: "DUCK! TARGETS IDENTIFIED! LAUNCH IMMINENT!" I had nightmares about her boobs. That's how scary they were.


Scorps1027 said...

I just want to let you know I not only read your blogs, but i subscribed to to it on bloglines.

the minute i get a red ticker notice and i see you've updated, i start reading and chuckling away.
so you can add one more person to the loyal readers side! Your dance moves/ ducktales/ medical school process/boring job/chinatown stories/ crazy roommates stories have been the highlight of my blog reading days!

Sophia said...

Thanks guys! Scorps, I am especially touched since you've been there on two occassions for moral support - the 7th grade bad bangs phase and now the blog phase! Your flog has been a great source of entertainment for me as well!

Thanks J-man. I like that I am writing to you via this blog even though you are standing 2 feet from me.

Anonymous said...

Just in case it wasn't obvious, your blog (and your brother's comments!) are clearly a great source of entertainment and a much-needed means of procrastination for me. So who cares what the little web counter thingy says...In the (modified) words of a wise friend of mine: "Here's the loop...and here's all the ppl NOT reading your blog." ;)