Thursday, July 28, 2005

this hair, it is a problem.

It's the two week anniversary of my drastic hair cut. My verdict? Bad idea. Must never cut hair when in a general funk ever again. My hair grows very quickly, so I'm sure it will be OK soon. But it's precisely the growth factor that has made the haircut unmanageable. Within 2 weeks my hair transformed from trendy-short into a gigantic fro. Since I'm Indian, I shall christen my hair the Infro. It is quite a spectacle.

I should have figured the costs of hair gel and other sundry products into the price of the cut. I am not a gel person. I need to use it every day, and frankly, I'm getting tired of it. It's unnatural and goopy and I constantly feel like I have to wash my hands. Plus, hair gel smells like men's cologne. I think it's a sign that I'm not supposed to be using it.

This morning, while in the shower, some shampoo suds got into my mouth. Has that ever happened to you? It's pretty gross. Herbal Essences may smell like fruits and berries, but it tastes like rancid chemical. I tried to rinse out the taste in the shower, but then I just ended up standing there with my mouth open, trying to fill it up with water. Which, surprisingly, is not that easy in the shower, given that the water is going in a million directions. You try to get one stream in your mouth, and inevitably another one will aim directly for your eye.

And then I had to put gel in my hair. What a morning.

Yesterday I had to walk outside with my boss and another person while it was still sunny outside. My boss pulled out the sunglasses that you clip on to your normal glasses. How money is that?

I think commercials nowadays are really stupid. Except those Citibank ID theft commercials. You know, the one where an innocent woman is sitting in a chair and all of a sudden this French male voice comes out of her mouth and it talks about how he stole the credit card from this nice lady and spent a bunch of money in Vegas? Yeah, that one. I think it's so funny.

There was an interesting Op-Ed in the NY Times yesterday. It's point was that we as a population, along with the Media, are completely apathetic and our values are screwed up. It compared the media coverage of Tom Cruise vs. the media coverage of the genocide in Darfur. I suggest you read it if you have a chance. We so live in a bubble.

I heard they drained a pond to look for the girl who is missing in Aruba. It's her 60th day missing, and the coverage is rampant. If I went missing in Aruba, I bet there would be no coverage on the news channels. Did you hear that an African-American woman who is five months pregnant has been missing for a week in Philadelphia? The article is buried somewhere on, and possibly other news outlets. Why isn't this woman's face plastered everywhere like Laci Peterson's was? I am not saying the people who receive media coverage don't deserve it. But I am saying there is a serious bias in who gets chosen to be portrayed.

I feel bitter about everything today. From my hair to the media.

1 comment:

Zahir said...

The NY Times Op-Ed is from two days ago, not today. But Nick Kristoff is terriffic in terms of covering stuff that should be covered but isn't. Your hair can't possibly be worse than that horrid perm you had when you were 9 years old.