Friday, July 15, 2005

i'll take slightly disturbing for $200 alex

I met a friend of mine for lunch yesterday. We had Indian take-out, and were craving something cheap and sweet after our heavy lunch. We headed over to CVS, where we went old school and bought "Spree" and "Nerds" respectively.

As we were leaving CVS, I noticed my friend had purchased an additional item. Baseball cards. I didn't even know they still make baseball cards. I asked my friend why he bought them and he said "I don't know, I used to buy them."

Needless to say, I never used to buy baseball cards. I did, however, buy Garbage Pail Kids trading cards. Did you? How disgusting were those things? How did our parents give us money to actually purchase those items? Lest you forget, here are some memorable images:

Gross, huh?


I got a haircut yesterday. It was quite drastic. It's very, um, short. It's a boycut. I've been tempted to do this for years now, and I figured that this was as good time as any. A good friend of mine recommended the salon.

The salon is owned and operated by a gay couple. They have been together for 24 years, and have been stylists together for something like the last 20. My haircut was quite the experience. First, the salon is decorated like a psychedlic spaceship. Seriously. Second, when discussing various style options, my hair dresser suggested "So, maybe Courtney Cox circa the second to last season of friends?"

I swear that's what he said. We then went on to have a conversation about my desire to cut off all my hair, including "Don't worry about those boys who tell you to keep your hair long. Men don't know what they're talking about. Straight men, that is."

Result: the most fun haircut I've ever had. He did a fantastic job. It's taking some getting used to ... I can't decide if I look cute or if I look like a 14-year old boy. If you see me, let me know your thoughts. Unless of course, you are a straight man.


Eric said...

On behalf of straight men, I apologize for our lack of taste :-) However, for what it's worth, I think it's an instinctual preference passed down from cavemen time, so don't hold it against us. Anyway, it's not a preference that trumps all else. But it is something that tends to get my attention :-)

Anonymous said...

you know i did the whole "buy baseball cards for no apparent reason" thing a couple of weeks ago. somehow i was lucky enough to score two (that's 2) kansas city royal team photo cards. my soul --> stirred.