Monday, July 25, 2005

how in the ...

So, this little site counter thing that resulted in my shameless plea for affection and support has some interesting tidbits of information. For example, it lets me see how many people have looked at the website, how long they looked at it, and if they were referred here from another page.

Since putting it up, I noticed that most everyone reading the blog wasn't referred from anywhere. A handful of people came by way of J's flog or my cool roommate's blog. I decided to take a look again just now, and it's insane. The last 10 or so people to look were referred to from sites I've never heard of. And one person - I swear to you - was referred to my blog from a site labeled "Kuwait Transsexxuals".

Part of me is wondering how in the hell someone got to my site from that site. But I can't look at that site since I'm at work right now and, well, you get me.

And, as a little added bonus, this is my 100th post ever. Yay for ... my ridiculous amount of free time.


Eric said...

well, let the record show that I arrived here by way of joyce's flog (don't want to be associated with middle eastern gender issue sites) and I have been laughing at your material ever since...

Eric said...

and i think i check your site a lot more often than joyce's (sorry joyce :-P)

Anonymous said...

i read your site quite a bit. good stuff. i came here through zahir's, whose site i came upon through "it's my 30 thousand dollars too" and whose site i came upon through now yours is on my favorites, so i just come directly. there ya go.