Thursday, September 29, 2005

dumb luck.

Just to have two posts in a row with the word "dumb" in them.

Yesterday I lost my cell phone. Straight up, fell out of my jacket pocket lost it. Given my absent mindedness, I was shocked to realize this is the first time I've lost a cell phone. For any of you who have lost one before, I feel your pain. I felt totally disconnected from the world. And, as one is wont to do when something like this happens - I convinced myself that everyone and their mother would be trying to call me. Here's what went through my head:

"Oh my god! My cell phone is gone! I have to find it. Or get a new one ASAP. How will the world go on if I am unreachable? My parents must be freaking out. My roommate from nerd camp in 7th grade is probably freaking out. Granted we haven't spoken in 13 years, but I bet NOW THAT I LOST MY PHONE, she is trying to get in touch with me. I can't believe I lost my cell phone. THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!"

Don't judge. If I didn't create this drama for myself, my life would be that much less interesting. And people, we're at the bottom of the barrel here in terms of interesting things going on in my life.

The good news? Someone found my phone! The better news? This kind soul had the prescience to go through my phone book. He found the entry for "Dad Cell" and called my Dad to let him know that he found the cell phone belongining to his electronic-gizmo losing child. This kind person also deposited the phone at the security desk of the place where I lost it, so that I can pick it up whenever it's convenient for me.

Nice people do exist! And they cover my bumbling butt!


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Scorps1027 said...

good ppl do exist in the world. i lost my cell phone once at work and some nice lady found it in the bathroom and called my mother to let her know she had my phone.

(yes, i know i'm ridiculous to take my phone to the bathroom with me--i mean would i really answer a call while on the toilet or washing my hands with that pink goopy soap? i think not!)

i also got my movado watch returned to me a year ago from the courthouse from when i was a juror. turns out i felt the need to take off my watch so the security alarm wouldn't sound, but then forgot to retrieve my watch. the best part of that experience was getting a lecture from the security guard about carelessness and how kids today dont' have any value for their own property.