Friday, September 16, 2005

good peeps.

My roommate L. is so kind-hearted. I think that's a description rarely used to describe people these days, and that's too bad. Kind-hearted people remind you that there is good out there.

Yesterday, we walked to the local market to pick up some milk. There is a homeless man who is usually camped outside this mart. As we walked, L. asked him if he was hungry. He shook his head. We walked a bit more, and then he said "Well, yeah..."

And you know what she did? She asked him: "OK. Are you a vegetarian?"

Inside, she bought him a ham and cheese sandwich. As we paid for the milk and sandwich, she laughed and said "Only in Boston would I think to ask a homeless person if they are a vegetarian."

Kind hearted. We should all learn from her. I'm not saying we should go and give all of our wordly possessions to the needy. But we should aim for moments of true selflessness.

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