Sunday, September 11, 2005

what is this strange feeling?

I am disconcerted. This weekend I felt ... content. Things were chill. And fun. No drama or stress. Laughter was in abundance. The primary reason for this contentment:

My roommates rock. As I've been complaining about my living situation for quite some time, it's nice to finally boast about it. My fun roommate returned from her study abroad a few weeks ago. Two new roommates moved in this month, and they are both great. Quick synopsis:

Roommate #1. ME! Little. Brown. Different. (heh)

Roommate #2: Fabulous. Drama student, but not dramatic. Puerto Rican and loves life.

Roommate #3: Law student. From California. He's awesome and he deals with our landlord like nobody's business. Unlike me who stammers and is easily bullied into letting our lock stay broken for days.

Roommate #4. I just met him. Quite possibly the funniest person I have ever met. I have not laughed this hard in as long as I can remember. Stitch in your side type funny.

So yes. CONTENT. We painted the apartment. We furnished our gorgeous porch (heretofore unused). We light candles and always play music. We made brunch today - pancakes, eggs, mimosas and cinnamon buns. Roommate #1's friends came over, and we got to know each other. Brunch went from 4:00 PM (yes, I know, it should be linner) to 7:00 PM. I sit in the living room to work instead of locked in my room.

I hope this lasts as long as it can. Because it feels SO GOOD to not dread coming home. It's the first time I've called my apartment home.

I cooked again recently. Very simple this time though - some pasta. But it came out good. I don't know what is happening to me. I feel like cooking more often. I feel like working out regularly. But this is not me. Shouldn't I be angry and brooding and pretending that things are worse than they really are?

Did anyone see the Adams Family Part II? If you didn't, good for you because it sucked. But if you did, remember when the camp forces Wednesday and Pugsley (hah, Pugsley is a funny name) to watch Disney movies in the cabin? Wednesday comes out and painfully cracks a smile. One of the campers shivers and says "I'm scared!" That's what I feel the reaction to this bizarre contentment of mine should be. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Or not. Why don't we all join hands and make s'mores and tell each other what we like about each other? I like you, dear reader, because the kindness of your soul shines through your internet connection to my site.

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